
Environmental Barriers – Going to the Source

Let's get right to the source. Ron Mace coined the term and “wrote the book” on environmental universal design.


A thorough treatment of environmental barriers by Mace, Hardie, and Place (1991) is online: .


If you are an administrator, get your hands on that document. It will inform many decisions you make.


Universally designed environments are not just humane; they also make increasingly good business sense. We have a large Baby Boomer population that is aging, increased recognition of the rights of individuals with disabilities and their inclusion in mainstream environments, and extended life expectancies are creating a larger-than-ever market. If you are in the business of designing learning environments for adults, you will meet this market force head-on if you haven't already. The better you design your environment and system for this expanded market, the more this larger market will appreciate and respond to your services and products.

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